Ohn Mar Win Illustration

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Autumn Vegetable Crisps

We had a sneak peek of what I had in mind for the beetroot I was drawing from my weekly box delivery. And I started on another self initiated monthly doodle challenge of drawing anything foodie everyday ( more about that tomorrow) I felt another layout for They Draw and Cook would provide me with a good framework for the new images I had been developing. Added to the beetroot were carrot, parsnips and courgettes.

I wanted to create a feel for the harvesting of these root veg as they are coming onto season. And of course its a great way to enjoy these vegetables, the oven baking enhancing the flavours and natural sugars.

I have been wanting to open an Etsy shop for some time but I was never happy with ideas I've had about what I would stock. However I feel at last with these images I have the beginnings of something rather appealing. So over the next month I shall be looking into the logistics of opening the said shop - watch this space. The image below is without the autumnal background - hoping it has a broader generic appeal.

So with this view of launching my art in the near future and some pointing out the terms and conditions for submitting to TDAC were a bit vague or not all together appealing I decided to email Salli at TDAC to clarify. Here is part of her response....

We are actually making changes to the T&C on the new site redesign so artists have options about how we can use their work. We understand that it is a tender topic. But back to you and your fabulous veggies!!! You can use them anywhere in anyway...you can even sell the image you created for TDAC!! .... We really don't make any $ from the site, especially in terms if selling the artists images. We think you will like the new site and features and hopefully it will make artists feel more comfortable about submitting!....

I very much look forward to the new website redesign and I've already got a idea in my head for the next set of foodie illustrations.