My first ever SPOONFLOWER entries
I have been hearing about the Spoonflower weekly competitions for a few years but never attempted to enter as I felt technical repeats were rather beyond me. But many of my fellow MATS mates gave the encouragement to enter. I thought well it'll be a good experience out of my comfort zone and will add to my portfolio - win/win right? Once I decided to take the plunge it turned out the next competition was for Fishing Lures - I had to look that word up!! As always I started with pen & ink sketches of any associated with fishing - that was going to be my take on this subject.
I was able to add scanned in textures and add a slight knocked back linework of rope knots to add to the textural feel. Again another set of colours were used from the Design Seeds site and put through Kular to match the exact colours. I was so ver pleased I managed to get a simple half step repeat to work- phew.
Here are some sketches from the Herb Garden competition that I entered a few weeks later.