Ohn Mar Win Illustration

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AOI Illustration Licensing...part 2

Then it was the lovely Rachael Taylors turn at the mic. I was amazed at what she had achieved in such a short space of time. It was interesting to hear she gave herself masses of time to develop & explore her surface pattern designs for her portfolio & even today these original designs are selling. We're not just talking on a tea towel for instance but a dozen different items from tablet covers to shower curtains. She actually said '..I'm earning money while I sleep, which is a good thing' I totally agree. 

One reason I particulary wanted to hear Rachaels talk was I'm seriously contemplating her e-course ' The Art & Business of Surface Pattern Design' I met someone who had just ' graduated' from this course and she only had good things to say about it. She especially commended the courses' on-line community  for the support & feedback. OK I'm saying this now - within the next week I will sign up for module 2 & 3 of Rachaels' e-course

I have to admit I had never heard of the next speaker, Halz Cuppleditch. However she totally bowled my over with her enthusiasm & knowledge of licensing. One design could literally be used over and over again on any flat surface. She exhibits at the massive Brand Licensing Europe show held in Olympia every year. Again she talked about the support and connection there is between small exhibitors ( compared to BBC or Disney) such as herself at this event

Next was the esteemed Rob Ryan, the main man had been waiting for. He was a total blast and did not disappoint. He basically told us of his life from college, then the RA right up to now. With detours via Paul Smith and Liberty's, He described himself as art directors nightmare, and had even been known to make them cry. The most interesting area was work and potential opportunities he had turned down because it did not fit in with his 'plan' or his way of working. I really admire Rob for just sticking to his guns and staying true to himself.

At the end of these talks I plucked up the courage to thank each of the speakers in person and give them my gratitude. I left on such a high as I had made connections with so many other illustrators and felt all the good vibes radiating off Rachael, Helz and Rob.

I can't wait for another AOI event, its really given me so much confidence to reach out and absorb this valuable information.