Food miles 'game' that I actually painted...

Its been a while - I realised i was trying to do tooo much. So I took some time out to slow things down...a little.

Last week I did do something rather creative & unexpected. My other half is in the steering group for Hertford (UK) Transition. They were taking part in Hertford Carnival and he wanted me to come up with a low tech interactive map for kids...using a grape & straws (paper of course as we like to be sustainable)

The aim was to blow the grape from distant corners of the globe eg New Zealand apples all the way to England.


This was the first time I'd painted for 'pleasure' for an age - it felt good. I got messy, my jeans were ruined so was our patio table but by heck it really did feel good.

... Pinterest buttons...

Oh my gosh this is morning was java script madness...I couldn't get my head round widgets & gadgets. I was not going to give up - I wanted those buttons because I have a Pinterest habit that needs feeding....I now have to limit myself to 10 mins every day or its like a black hole for creative time...!!!

These are my latest finds...from print to photography to mark making.

Picasso sketch

latest from Rob Ryan

I'm attracting positive people into my life...

...yes I agree

...I want one

My best sellers...part 1

Ok much of this blog has been about all the exciting things I'm discovering & finding out about the world and myself. I really do have a day job...My other half had been asking me to consider illustrating 'single' images of my best sellers for Shutterstock (image library)

He feels there is arguably a huge market for art editors/ designers who simply what to 'drop' images on white backgrounds onto a page layout for example.

This week I am mainly drawing they seem to be selling so well. Anyhow I'll be uploading them today & see if they are successful- I am very hopeful. They're drawn in ordinary black marker, scanned into Photoshop, traced in Illustrator, and fiddled around with until I'm happy.

This is new for me, blogging that is...not the drawing

I want to start by saying I'm going through a bit of a transformation in recent months. Its been a long time in coming. I'm letting go of old habits, views, notions that do not serve me. I'm embracing & getting excited about new beginnings, opportunities & possibilities, in the sphere of creativity & personal growth.

I have so many plans, some are massive, some are just personal. Some days will be truly positive, some days will be a dream, some days I'll tell my self 'at least you're moving in the right direction' when I'm filled with frustration and angst. Yet I'm willing to feel these emotions and any others that work their way in.

This is way out of my comfort zone by the way. But I've taken and action & I'm going on a bit of an adventure...